Norm Conley President
2001 Central States Association
of Shrine Motor Corps
Norm Conley's Masonic History: Master Mason raised in Albert Pike Lodge 303 in 1985, 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason of the Wichita Consistory and Sir Knight of Kansas York Rite Bodies, 1996 and 1998 2nd Ceremonial Master of Midian Shrine in Wichita Kansas. 1993 Captain of Midian's Motor Patrol and a general member of the Midian Electroglide Elite. He rides a Buell S2T Motor Cycle. Member of Midian Plane of Mercy Hospital Van Unit. Past President Central States Association of Shrine Motor Corps. Web Master of Midian Shrine and CSASMC. He is also a member of the Shrine Webmasters Association
Noble Norm is a licensed private pilot. He served as an officer on the Midian Motor Patrol between 1991 and 1994. He was a Potentates Aide in 1994 and 1997. Midian Shrine Divan 1996, 1998 and 2009. He wrote Midian Shrine Topics Newspaper articles for the Motor Patrol. The CSASMC home page is at http://www.csasmc.org. He has helped with Shrine membership restoration calling committee and earned his Circus Jewel and his Shrine Honor Jewel. He and his lady support the Midian Plane of Mercy.
Albert Pike Masonic Lodge June 11, 2003
Albert Pike Lodge February 11, 2009 Three Generations